Tips to Extend the Life of Your Wardrobe
Occasionally I catch myself day dreaming of a large budget for an extensive wardrobe, walk-in closet, professional launderer, and stylist to keep my style looking fresh. But as you've heard me and Hilary say before, we have limited space and limited $$$, which means we have to extend the life of our wardrobe as long as possible. Below, I've gathered a list of tips and habits I use to guarantee my clothes looks their best and last as long as possible.
Follow Laundry Instructions: You know those pesky little tags sewn into the seam of your clothes that you clip off before wearing? Read them and follow the instructions on them. Different material has to be laundered in different ways. Most ready to wear clothes are made with a synthetic blend that can only be washed on a gentle cycle with cold water. Wools and silks are almost always dry-clean only. If you tend to wash everything together with warm water, you can guarantee your clothes will have a limited life-span.
These aren't non-sensical symbols, they tell you how to properly launder your clothes.
Properly Store Your Clothes: Good storage will extend the life of your entire wardrobe. I hang the majority of my clothes except for sweaters, denim, athletic wear, and lingerie, and I keep off-season items in garment bags. What I don't hang, I fold and keep in drawers. Never learned how to properly fold a t-shirt? Check out this tutorial.
I keep my favorite red dress free from dust and fading in the sun with a garment bag.
Say Goodbye to Fabric Softener: Yes, they make your clothes snuggly soft and kill static, but they also break down the fibers in your clothes, decreasing their life-span. I recommend foregoing fabric softener and either hanging your clothes or laying them flat to dry.
Keep Oxiclean On Hand: I bought the cutest nightie when I spent a semester working in Sydney. I wore it so much that the pink and white stripes turned a dingy grey....eww. I almost threw it out but my mom soaked it in Oxiclean, and voila ,good as new! If you haven't had a come-to-Jesus moment yet, buy some oxiclean and follow the instructions to return your favorite pieces to their former glory, but don't use it before every wash, it too will break down your clothes' fibers.
Enjoying a night out in clothes that have been around awhile. My denim jacket is over 10 years old!
What tips do you use to extend the life of your wardrobe?