
Packing Light: Turning Myth Into Reality

Packing Light: Turning Myth Into Reality

As some of you might have noticed from our recent posts, here at Micro-Closet, we quite enjoy traveling.  Whether it's a long haul flight halfway across the world to see each other, or, a small weekend getaway, traveling is at the top of our list of things to do.  Traveling gives us the opportunity to extend what we already know quite well: living out of a small space.  Packing light for a trip is much like living out of a small closet, and many of the same principles can be applied. 

We've all done it; we've all overpacked for a trip.  We arrive home from a weekend trip to discover unworn items in our suitcase.  How can this be avoided?  Here are some of our tips to packing light with style.

First, look ahead at the weather forecast and trust it, to an extent.  Packing one extra layer to compensate for a slight variation in temperature is enough, trust us.  You do not need three cardigans, all of which match the outfits in your suitcase.  

Speaking of outfits, plan ahead of time what you will wear.  Will you need multiple outfits per day?  If so, choose pieces that can mix and match with each other, much like we've already discussed in previous posts regarding how we manage our micro-closets.  

Next, do not be afraid to repeat pieces of clothing on a trip.  This is also a tip to be applied to your micro-closet.  There is no shame in wearing the same top twice within a few days on a trip or during your average week.  We all have restrictions, whether it's space or budget, so put aside any embarrassment when repeating a great outfit.

Lastly, most of us have heard the suggestion of after packing for a trip, remove half from your suitcase and leave it home.  For those of us who already pack light, this is a bit extreme of a measure.  I personally remove two items after packing for a weekend trip to counter any potential overpacking.

The perk of packing light: more space for purchases during your trip!  


All ready for our trip!  

All ready for our trip!