
Ciao Bella

Ciao Bella

Living in Bavaria has its perks, including the abundance of public holidays throughout May and June.  Last week we took advantage of four day weekend and headed south, first making a stop in the Austrian Alps, and then continuing to Italy.  In addition to spending time on the beach, we made a day trip to Venice.  

For those of you who have been, you know it's wonderful.  For those who have not yet been, I recommend this Italian city!  Venice is synonymous for canals and art.  Our visit coincided with the Biennale art exhibit, which runs from May-November.  Artists from over 180 countries have exhibits throughout the city.  We stopped at a smaller exhibit by the artist Beverly Barkat.  Most of our time, however, was spent wandering through the small,  winding streets, and made stops at major attractions, such as the Canal Grande and the Basilica di San Marco.

Not only was art present in the various galleries and museums throughout the city, but also in the form of window displays for major Italian brands, such as Gucci, Prada and Bottega Veneta.


Here at Micro-Closet, we're not label obsessed, but it's still great to see the big names of fashion and their newest designs for the season.